Thursday, September 13, 2012

Be the Moon it Shines Brighter Than Everything

"If you're reading this, congratulations, you're alive. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is."

" Sometimes God pushes us to our limits, because He has greater faith in us than we have in ourselves. "

" Don't try and be a star. Be the moon it shines brighter than evverything in the sky."

I could go on and on, typing up quotes that have rung so true in my life lately. It's crazy how much can happen in a Month, week, or even day. If anything it has made me appreciate my friends so much more than I ever have before. Every single one of them is so different and bring joy to my life in so many different ways, I know I've said this before but I could go on about all of them, about all of the memories, experiences and good and bad times we've all been through together. In the end we are still standing, things may not be perfect, or the way they used to be, but one day we will hopefully realize that we are stronger beause of it all

Since I've been gone, I also got a job! I now work at a quilt shop about ten minutes from my house. Its such a cute little place, so many interesting people come there, and most days it feels like I'm living a movie. I've decided i'm going to put all the stories and "adventures" into a book... I should probably actually write in that book to make it count though eh? ha, Oh well, certain things just seem to stick in your mind forever. Like the British lady who lives above the shop, or the dog that is always running around almost every time I come in, it's kind of a fairy tale gig right now :) Currently I'm saving for a camera and soon enough (hopefully by Christmas) I'll be able to get it :)

I've been so incredibly busy lately, it seems like every week there is somthing going on,
IMAG1725.jpg  a couple weeks ago I went up to Michigan with Jillian, Julia and Jackie, and they recorded their first CD!! It was awesome, the studio was amazing and the girls were even more amazing, I sang as a 'guest singer'  with them and we sang a song called "The Well". It was such a new experience and it was so nerve racking.  " Sisters In Song" (SIS) is their name and their CD "Imagine" should be coming out       sometime at the end of September. Everyone is super excited about it.
^^ this was on our way to Michigan.

        I'm gonna steal this quote from my best friends blog because I loved it soo much:

"I'm ready to pack up my shorts and tank tops. I'm ready for the wind to blow my hair all over. I'm ready for hoodies and jeans. I'm ready to smell like a bonfire all the time. I'm ready for leaves changing color. I'm ready for hot chocolate...for pumpkins.. I'm ready for fall :)"

 It's starting to cool off here. It's about time! Fall is by far my favorite season. Hoodies, hot chocolate, sitting with my best friends around a bonfire. I know it sounds so cliche, but I an't wait for it all :) about 3 weeks ago I went to the thrift store, the day was kind of cloudy and I was wearing a sweat shirt. I walked in the store and headed for the sweaters. I bought 6 sweaters....its not like I have an addition or anything...Sadly, since then those sweaters have been sitting in my closet and I haven't been able to wear them. I want to drag out my box of boots, find all my jeans and sweatshirts that I hid in my basement at the end of winter. I want to turn on my fireplace and drink hot Chocolate by it. AHH!! I'm ready for fall and winter, for cold weather, and snow storms! Yes, snow storms, the real ones where you can't get out of your house because you can't see anything but white when you walk outside. I'm ready for all my friends schools to have snow days so that they can come to my house and go sledding. I'm just READY!!

Alright well, I'll talk to you guys later! Hope you have an awesome rest of your day, and remember. YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! :)



  1. Hey, I wrote that quote ;) I'm famous! Hehe <3 you.. Keep posting!

    1. Looks liek it! It sounded like something you would write! :)
