Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Summer Twenty-Twelve part 5: Photo shoot with my girls

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”

"The world is a better place when you smile." -Nicholas Sparks

Hey everyone! So I haven't quite decided if this whole Summer Re-cap thing is annoying or just plain fun.  I know that in a couple years when I go back and look at these I will absolutely love that I did, but until then It might just be getting monotonous. Either way, until I decide whether or not to keep doing them here is Part 5:

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It was one of those Saturdays that somehow you had nothing you had to do, no place to go, no jobs, nothing but a lazy day. I was hanging out at Jillian, Julia and Jackie's house, we had laid round all day and yet it seemed like the day still wasn't ending, we walked around outside, and all of a sudden I told Jackie that I wanted to take pictures of her, but of course we couldn't just take pictures of one sister we had to take pictures of all the sisters. So against Julia's will they all dressed up and headed outside, it was SO nice out! The sun was shining so incredibly bright and all of the colors seemed to pop everywhere you looked. So I was already excited to take these pictures (plus it doesn't hurt to have 3 GORGEOUS girls to take pictures of)

We started with their flower garden, attempting to take pictures of them smelling the flowers...That failed miserably, they checked every flower checking for bees, and the pictures just didn't look right, we moved on to the shed by their house, they carefully crawled over the flowers trying not to step on any of them and started posing . It's so easy to take pictures of people who are so photogenic
we took every kind of picture you could imagine, from jumping off hills to hanging upside down in trees. It was amazing. We laughed and ran and skipped and fell and flipped, and then laughed even more. I love taking pictures of these girls so much. I love taking pictures in general, if I could take pictures all day every day, I would. I can't wait to be able to take more pictures of these girls or anyone else that will stop longer enough for me to snap a few photos. :)

I know this post was short but I couldn't bring myself to leave this one out, it was such a fun day and I loved every minute of it! :D

                                                                                  have a great day everyone! :)

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