I feel extremely accomplished for about a million different reasons right now, starting with the fact that I have blogged three days in a row, that is an absolute record for me!
Today was our second and final day of recording in the studio. We started the morning off even more tired than we were the first day. None of us wanted to wake up and it took some coaxing from our mother to convince us to get out of bed. After eating the hotel breakfast (which frankly wasn't all that good) we made sure all of our things were packed up and loaded into the car. Now that we were "seasoned pros" of a whole day we knew what to expect when we got there. We knew that we would start with the instrument tracks and we knew what order everyone would need to go into the booth.
I have to say my favorite part was being inside the booth, its a little room almost like a broom closet covered in foam to keep the sound in and its in a corner so no one can even see you while you sing. So since I was practically all in my own little world with just me and the voices in my head (the headphones with the harmony) I was dancing all around snapping, clapping having my own little party in there, and honestly if anyone saw me and video taped that I would have been so embarrassed. Standing in there all by myself made me hyper enough I sure hope none of that was recorded because I was saying some crazy weird things.
The last song that we did was so exciting. As the song got closer and closer to coming to an end I got more and more excited, and the second I finished singing and he had shut the recording off I started yelling. GUESS WHAT?!?!! WE MADE A CD!!!! I was and still am so incredibly excited about all of this that its crazy!
I ran and got all the kids and told them and then made sure we took group pictures so we will be sure to remember this forever no matter what.
I could go on and on and on talking about all of the things that happened all of the funny stories about what we heard in the first recordings that DEFINITELY shouldn't have been there such as snapping and clapping from a certain someone in the booth all by herself *cough cough* we would just laugh at it all.
I can't wait to hear the finished mixed and mastered product, and I'm so eager to share it with everyone, I just hope I still think that it sounds good when we hear it again next week :).
We should have a finished product CD, Album, whatever you want to call it by the end of the month. Artwork done and everything..
Artwork is a whole 'nother story all in itself which I am also excited to show you guys, its all going to be such a surprise when it all comes together and we get to see it.
Thanks for putting up with all of my randomness and rambling about a day that consisted of instruments and a padded room. ;)
Thank you all so much for everything all the encouraging messages and prayers as we have worked so hard for this, thank you to those who have helped us so much and given so much advice and supported you guys are amazing :)
Our website: rustynailcrossing.com
Enjoy the Beautiful days Guys :)
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