Hello once again everyone,
Happy 2014! As everyone always says I can't believe how fast this passed year flew by.
A lot has happened lately but one of the most important things is..my best friend got married!

Mr. and Mrs. Gooch's wedding was on December 28. 2013 and it was beautiful! Lindsay made an absolutely GORGEOUS bride and Mychal a very handsome groom.

These passed few days my family has actually been stuck in our house at the top of a hill. We have a foot and a half of snow and it is -12 degrees outside. We are in a literal deep freeze, and I do believe we are starting to get cabin fever! Hopefully it will start to get warmer soon so we can get out of the house.
Since it is the new year it is once again the time for resolutions. Now everyone rolls their eyes because we all know that no one ever actually sticks to their "New Years Resolutions". In fact, I can't even remember any that I even made last year, the only one I can think of has been the only one that I have stuck to, this little blog of mine. TWO YEARS ago I wrote a little post that took me hours to write and was only a couple sentences long, fast forward two years and it still takes me hours to write very little, and even though I don't blog enough, I love it when I do :)
Well I have a new resolution this year, and I'm hoping that maybe if I throw it out there for the whole world I might actually stick to it. I want to take a picture ever single day for a year. Yes 365 pictures. There aren't too many rules 1. take lots of pictures 2. the 48 rule: if it has been more than 48 hours since the picture was taken it doesn't count 3. Have fun.....That's basically it,keeping it simple. Once a week or at least every other week I'll post the most recent pictures right here. So I will also be blogging more! :) Normally I would post these on my photography blog but since these are going to be pictures of every day life I thought it would be more appropriate to put them here, so everyone can have a look into my life ;) I hope that I can stick to this and hopefully stay up to date on actually posting.
SOOO here goes nothing Project 365: Week 1-
Day One |
Day Two |
Day Three |
Day Four |
Day Five |
Day Six |
Day Seven |
Alright everyone, Stay warm, have some hot Chocolate, have a wonderful 2014 and I'll see you next week! :)
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