Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Summer Twenty-Twelve part 3: Fair Time!!

"Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad." 

We stopped to see
Brianna and her cow
    As I've said before this summer was quite a crazy one, I've never hung out with my friends for so long, and I've never done so many things with them. So this year when fair came around (like it always does) we didn't hesitate to do something else together. Not only did I go to the fair this year, I went to THREE different fairs, one of which I went to TWICE with my friends.. Yes, I have a bit of a fair obsession, but I guess I could be obsessed with worse things..Right?  The first time we went this year I took my brother Gabe, we were staying the night with my friends and we decided that we would go walk around the fair since they lived less than ten minutes from it. We had SO much fun! We didn't go on rides the first day, which is why I found it so crazy that we were able to have so much fun. we walked around, I saw literally EVERY single person I knew. every time I turned around there was another person calling "Abby!" or "Red over here!" after a while you just got used to being so "popular" ;) After we had walked around for a little bit we came across a booth for free face painting, being the "mature" teenagers we are, we jumped at the offer looking at the different pictures and trying to decide on one. Rachel was a dog, Jillian, a Rainbow, Gabe had a dinosaur, and me.... Minnie Mouse of course! we all laughed about it, and the looks we got made us laugh even more!
Puppy and Minnie

My brother and I

The second day, my brother was given back to my parents and Rachel, Jillian, Julia, Alex Mendoza, Jackie and I  went back, this time we rode rides and spent the entire day there. Now one tip I should give you, is you probably shouldn't eat a big breakfast right before going to the fair...If you do you will have a huge stomach ache all day and going on the gravatron..twice..probably isn't the best way to help that. We rode every ride and some we rode twice, switching out riding buddies, deciding who was least likely to get sick and how quickly you could get away if they did. It wasn't very hot but it was hot enough that we all were constantly thirsty..and whoever decided to hand out free water was either really smart or really.. Not smart. By the end of the day that booth probably knew us all by name because we came by so much. These two days were definitely one of the best parts of the summer:)
Rachel, me and...half of
Jonny and Julia on
the Octopus

The next time I went to the fair I went with my family, my mom was playing bass for a bluegrass group and afterwards we walked around the fair and went on rides, my cousin was there too so we hung out with him. We went on the gravatron (that thing never gets old) and then as the fair was closing we rang to the Fairis wheel and got on just in time, we were the only people on it :) 

We are cowgirls! 

Jillian and I on the umbrella

Rachel and I on the

       LOVE THEM!

No wonder the fair has always been my favorite time of year, I love hanging out with my friends and family, seeing people I haven't seen in forever, eating fried food that is in no way healthy. I love the workers
that convince you to get on the
gravatron even though you knew it would make you sick (thank you by the way it was awesome) I love meeting the random people waiting in line that decide to tell you their life story while you stand there. I love it all. I can't believe that was almost three months ago. It seems like it was just the other day, every time I think about it I get happy all over again. I can't wait until next year!
Couldn't find more amazing

                                                      OF OUR LIVES!

Have a super day everyone! <3

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