Thursday, May 2, 2013

RNC 1st Album Adventure Part 1

Hey everybody!!

      Look I really am back updating on everything going on today.
We were up bright and early this morning we got to the hotel at about 2:45 last night or this morning whichever you want to call it. We rolled over in our nice warm beds and considered not getting up..ok I considered not getting up, but the thrill of the recording booth grabbed my attention and I convinced myself to get up and get ready. After we had all thrown ourselves together to our satisfaction we went down stairs to eat breakfast and my dad changed the strings on the banjo and mandolin. When we had finished eating breakfast and trying not to throw it back up from nervousness we all got in the car and headed to the studio.

Once we arrived we unpacked our instruments from the car and went inside. Right away we started tuning and handing out sheets of lyrics and order of songs. We started with laying down the first 7  instrument tracks and then went back in and laid vocal tracks. It was SO nerve wracking but once we stepped into the booth it was totally awesome! You have no idea! I started smiling so big when I heard all the instruments coming in and we started singing. Not to toot my own horn or anything but I gotta say we sounded pretty awesome:)
       I took so many pictures and I'll try to post as many of them that I can, we had so much fun the first day and can't wait to get back to it again tomorrow.
       At first I was a bit worried about making a CD and being more "official" than we ever have been before, but now I'm really excited to see the finished product and hold an actual CD in my hands:)
     Well this is a pretty short post but I don't know what else to say about today, I'll post again tomorrow and let you all know how all this ended, hopefully it ends well and we can be satisfied with our final results:)
            Thanks for sticking around to read about this crazy life of ours and what we are doing with it:)


 I'll talk to you guys later have a great day! :)

Our website:


  1. I just love that you're wearing my shirt.. I feel like i'm there.. almost. Okay.. not really at all. Kind of jealous of my shirt right now!

    1. hahaha I knew you would comment on the shirt! i LOVE it and really don't want to give it back, but I guess you can have it when I get home. :) ha:)
