It's the times when you're gasping for air from laughing, or
nearly in pain from smiling so much. When you're with your friends, and
you know this is how it's supposed to be. everything is going to stay just how it is, and the feeling of being excessively and overly happy.I love those times, and I love that feeling. That's what life is truly about Forgetting the bad, and getting lost in the good.
Have you ever had one of those days, one of those moments, when you are literally rolling on the ground cracking up laughing and people wonder if you're crying because you're laughing so hard? Well, that pretty much describes my entire weekend. I went with my friends to a teen activity in Plymouth, and I had more fun than I have had in a LONG time. SO many things happened; volleyball games gone wild, hoolihoop wars, tin foil fights....and an intense game of rock paper scissors were just some of the events that occurred.
It's crazy how the smallest things can make your night. Like when you give your best friend a hug and at the exact same time you both say "ooh you smell good" and then die laughing. Or when you're walking back to the van and the pastor jumps out of the bushes and terrifies everyone around.And even though I am incredibly sore from everything we did, I made memories that are going to last forever. These are the nights that I will remember forever. Not to mention staying up 'til the sun comes up, talking and laughing at the most random things in the world, but everything is much funnier at 4 A.M right;)
It's nights like these that I really realize how much I absolutely love and appreciate my friends. How thankful I am for the friends who are always there. Through the good and the bad, no matter what happens. They are the ones who help you forget the bad and get lost in the good, even if only for that day or night. And I don't thank God nearly enough for the amazing friends He's put in my life.
Dear God,
I kind of want to name every single one of my friends and thank You for each one of them. But that would be nearly impossible because I have far too many friends to count. Thank You so much, Lord, for all of them, for everything they've done for me, and every memory they have made with me. Thank You so much for putting these people in my life at the perfect moments when you know I needed them most. Thank You for all of them God.
In Jesus' name
nearly in pain from smiling so much. When you're with your friends, and
you know this is how it's supposed to be. everything is going to stay just how it is, and the feeling of being excessively and overly happy.I love those times, and I love that feeling. That's what life is truly about Forgetting the bad, and getting lost in the good.
Have you ever had one of those days, one of those moments, when you are literally rolling on the ground cracking up laughing and people wonder if you're crying because you're laughing so hard? Well, that pretty much describes my entire weekend. I went with my friends to a teen activity in Plymouth, and I had more fun than I have had in a LONG time. SO many things happened; volleyball games gone wild, hoolihoop wars, tin foil fights....and an intense game of rock paper scissors were just some of the events that occurred.
Dear God,
I kind of want to name every single one of my friends and thank You for each one of them. But that would be nearly impossible because I have far too many friends to count. Thank You so much, Lord, for all of them, for everything they've done for me, and every memory they have made with me. Thank You so much for putting these people in my life at the perfect moments when you know I needed them most. Thank You for all of them God.
In Jesus' name
The reason why you have so many friends is because you're so darn lovable. <3 You make it WAY to hard for people to not want to be friends with you!
ReplyDeleteHA Thanks! :)