So this past weekend my mom, dad, sister Emma, my cousin Ian, and I went to Schaumburg, Illinois for a three day indoor jam. Friday Morning we slept in really late, finished packing and loaded up to leave. It was a ton of fun because Ian is one of my favorite cousins and we always have a crazy time when we are together, so Ian and I sat in the back and Emma sat in the seat in front of us. And what else are two teenagers gonna do for 2 hours? Watch Toy Story #1 of course!!
We laughed like a couple of 10 year olds and at one point my mom turned around and said "what are you two watching back there!?! " assuming that we were watching somthing that we shouldn't have been. ".....Toy Story.." was our reply. all she could do was laugh. We stopped at A huge gas station/ rest stop thing that went over the highway, and got lunch, it was pretty cool. After lunch we all decided that we needed COFFEE, so we went to the starbucks and all got some :) Emma hasn't ever really had coffee but since she was the only little kid with us mom and dad let her get some.
We then went downstairs to the main lobby thing and got tickets for the concerts and things, we went and saw who was playing instruments and what everyone was doing. At 7 O'clock we went and watched the concerts til almmost ten, there were a bunch of good people playing, and there was a really bass player that couldn't stand still and was moving all around :P
After the shows were over we went and talked to some of the people who preformed and got a Cd and had a group sign it. By the time we finshed talking it was almost 11 (time flys by SO fast at these things) and we were going to go get our instruments to start jamming when, our friends Nathan and Caleb, got there. Now, you have to understand that Nathan and Caleb are THE most SARCASTIC people you will ever meet in your entire life, and they are both crazy, so when you put both of them together at 11 o'clock at night and hand them each a banjo you know it's gonna get interesting! so we all went and got our instruments and went back down and started playing music,we played until a little after 2 A.M , and then decided to go get dinner somewhere, that somewhere being Steak and Shake.
So, my family and Nathan and Caleb went and had dinner, it was practically empty in there because it was so late. When we got back from eating it was 4:30 ish and Nathan and Caleb, went to bed, and my mom went to bed, but my dad, Ian, Emma and I all went back down and jammed some more until 5:30, and we only stopped because we were the only ones left playing by then.
Saturday, we got up at 11 and dad went and got breakfast while the rest of us tried to pretend like we were awake. Dad came back with Dunkin Donuts and coffee, and we quickly ate and then went back down to play more music, we played litterally all day, I'm not sure what happened, but when we started playing it was noon, and the next time I looked at the time it was 4.. somewhere in there mom had decided to take a break and go shopping, and at 4 she came back with food. We ate really fast again and then went back down stairs and jammed (are you seeing a pattern here? eat, jam, jam, eat, jam, sleep, eat jam, jam, jam..)

It was just after 4 when we started playing Marry Had a Little Lamb, and we all decided that was the cue that it was too late and we needed to go to bed. So we picked up all the instruments and went up to bed.
SOO many things happen Saturday night, I can't even write about them all because most of them we moments where you just had to be there, and had to be in a pickers state of mind at 4 in the morning! :P
Then comes the last day, Sunday, the saddest day, as you watch all the the instruments being packed up and carried out to their cars, and you see suit cases rolling out the revolving door. As you leave your hotel room and head for the big exit door, you stop and listen very carefully one last time hoping to hear the sound of a banjo string or the pluck of a bass, but it never comes. Everyone has left and the Jam has ended...
Even though the Jam ended we still hadn't eaten breakfast, so we went to Denny's and had some of there awesome pancakes ( I had white chocolate chips in mine) and nasty coffee ( I can't even pretend it was good). We finished eating and left.

I stopped in a store that I had never been in before and was walking around, and I picked up this sparkly soap lotion looked stuff to see what it felt like and this girl that works there came over and said "um, if you aren't going to buy it please don't touch it," i said ok and she says " but if you like sparkles then follow me,". She took me over to this section where they had lotion, but it looked like a bar of soap then she said 'which arm?" and starts rubbing this lotion bar on my arm while she talks to me. Now, I could be exaggerating but I really think she rubbed it on my arm for five minutes, and after she finished she took the same kind of bar but full of sparkles and did the same thing. By the time I left my arm was really red and was a bit itchy. I found mom and looked at my arm again: " umm.. Mom is my arm supposed to be this red?" turns out I had an allergic reaction to the lotion and my arm freaked out :P
Once we finished our adventure at the mall, we left and headed for home. I fell asleep almost as soon as I got in the car and that was the end of our weekend in Schaumburg :)
Well, if you are still reading this then I must applaud you, that was a really long version of telling you I jammed all weekend and went to the mall :P Hope you liked it, I know I did :)
As if this post isn't already long enough, here's some more pictures from the weekend:
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