"I don't understand why everyone is so intent to throw away their childhood and just grow up. Surely you want that innocence and carefree lifestyle that comes with being young. There's nothing great about being grown up. It's the growing up that is the most fun and makes you the person you truly should be."
So I have attempted writing 3 blog posts, the first one I was working on and just had to add pictures from my amazing surprise birthday party when my computer with all my pictures from that day crashed, the second one was done and was about to post it when my Kindle DELETED it all ! the third one was about paint balling with my friends and their family and my family, and I just never got the chance to finish it.
Who knows, most likely this one will never end up on my blog, because that's how the pattern seems to work lately. Either way, I'm going to type as if this is actually going to work.
I have a BUNCH of pictures to post that are all extremely random. My sisters and brother found bubbles and on the first night we used the grill this year we used all 6 bottles of bubbles that they found, we found anything that had a hole in it and attempted to blow bubble with those.
I've also been hanging out with my best friends a lot, we can't wait until summer finally gets here, we all want to be done with school, its driving us crazy.
I really don't have all that much to talk about so I'm going to make a list of some of the small things that have happened lately that have made a big difference to me.
-God knows exactly what you need and when you need it.
-Random People telling you that you are pretty can make you day:)
-Family is more important than we realize
-Saying how you feel can sometimes be more help than damage
-Music can completely define your day and describe your mood
-As much as movies can be a waste of time, others make your day or even week.
-You can never hang out with your friends too much, no matter what anybody says
-I'm always gonna be there for anyone who needs it :)
-Sometimes being a little kid is a whole lot more fun than being a teenager :)
-Piano duets with your best friend can make you incredibly happy
-Eventually you have to face your fears even if the means playing piano in front of 40 people.
Like I said, not much to say but the past couples weeks have been amazing :)
Today I'm hanging out with Jillian and Jackie, so things could get interesting ;) talk to you later :)
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