If you asked me where I saw myself this year, I could quickly tell you that this wasn't it. Everything I am right now is nothing like I thought I would have been. The way things are in general are nothing like I thought the would be. to see people I couldn't live without last year walk away from my life and become strangers, to see people that were once strangers mean more than the world to me. Seeing time fly by in the blink of an eye and feeling like nothing ever changes. Feeling like everything has stayed the same through out these days, yet looking back at where I was around this exact time last year..everything's different."
Hey everyone! Happy November 1st! I can't believe 2012 has flown by as quickly as it has. It's NOVEMBER, two months from today it will be 2013 and yet another year will have passed. Now that it is so close to ending I look back and wonder what I did this year. It was sooo busy, my life has changed so much, I've met so many new people and made so many new friends. All that being said, we now only have 22 days until thanksgiving, and this morning when I checked my facebook I saw everyone posting "Day #1 of being thankful, I'm thankful for ________" So I decided that these next 22 days would be the perfect post idea. There's so many things we could all be thankful for, and most days we take them for granted, or don't think about how much whatever it is means to us until it's gone or we need it back. I wanted to remind myself of a few of them. So I'm gonna try it, chances are I won't post every day but I will say something I'm thankful for, each day and maybe put it in a big post. For now, here is day #1:

I am thankful for - My Family. First of all I wouldn't be here without them.
My life would be so boring if they weren't there for me. Every day I always laugh at something Maggie says, or something Gabe does. Emma, just makes me laugh because she tries to act so cool, even though we all know she is laughing on the inside. My parents are awesome, not gonna lie, I have THE coolest parents anyone could have, and I'm not just saying that because they are my parents.. I know you're jealous, your parents aren't as cool as mine. I mean who else would take a group of 30 teens to 6 flags for a teen activity? Only my parents. :P

My Friends. They are practically my second family so they count, I love hanging out with my friends, and out of the 27 posts I've made 99% of them are all about my friends. If I go a week without seeing at least a few of them, I start going a little crazy. I would go on and on about them some more, but by now I think you all know that I have amazing friends :)
(Most of these pictures are from the crazy 6 flags trip)
Alright everybody, Have a great day! Hopefully I'll talk to you tomorrow ;) Bye.
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