"Happy are they who take life, day by day, Complain very little, and are thankful for the little things in life."
" It's not Happy People who are thankful, It's thankful people who are happy."
Hey everyone, sorry for not posting i was...not able to get to a computer. but while i was away i wrote a big long post on paper, so i will go ahead and share with you guys :)
Friday, Lindsay and her family arrived at our house around 9 P.M. and this is where I have to really stop and think about what to say so that I don't sound like I'm completely stealing Rachel's Blog post about this weekend. When they walked in Lindsay and Miss Tracy looked beautiful with their cute boots and outfits, unlike Rachel and I who had shown up to their house in overgrown sweatshirts, sweatpants and our hair in pony tails :P
Everyone was so excited, we all hugged and laughed and instantly picked up conversations as if they lived right up the road.
Eventually Rachel ( who was obviously here because she practically lives with us) and Lindsay escaped up to my room where we all got to catch up. We didn't go to bed until after 2 A.M. which was surprising because last time it was after 5. :)
Saturday- Saturday came faster than expected, even though we slept until 11. The adults went out to breakfast leaving us with my siblings, we layed around, watched Gnomeo and Juliet and then went and got ready. Lindsay suggested that we all dress in flannel, which surprised Rachel and I because Lindsay HATES to match.
Finally the parents got home and we three girls left. Which brings me to Day #3
I'm Thankful For:
Starbucks- We headed for the glorious house of coffee, it's only 5 minutes from my house, so why I've never been to this Starbucks I'm not sure. I discovered the most amazing drink, a gingerbread latte, at first I didn't think I was going to like it, I was very wrong. We took a bunch of pictures sitting there, I'm sure people were starring at us, but it was most likely because they were jealous that the didn't have an awesome trio of friends like we do.
After we had finished our coffee we headed back to my hose where a ton of people had shown up. We ate dinner, watched Minute to Win it and even came up with our own challenges. Now, if you knew this group of friends, you would know that there is one thing we have to do when we are together, its a sacred rule that can't be broken. APPLES TO APPLES. We all went upstairs and I got out the game. While the cards were being passed out, we laughed and talked, cramming into my room. There's something you have to understand, if you have never played this game wit us, then you haven't really played the game. We are crazy! we relate each card to the person who wins it, and it's insane how much it really fits them. Sadly, after we had played Apples to Apples, Mad Gab and " Silent Football" everyone had to leave and the house became creepily

Eventually it got quieter and quieter as one by one we fell asleep, all scrunched together in my "twinsized" bed which is actually smaller than that I've decided.
Sunday- Sunday morning we went to church, Rachel came for morning service and I realized that soon they would be leaving again. We went out to lunch and sooner than I had hoped we were hugging goodbye. Leaving is always hardest because you never know when we will visit again. Sunday especially, I was Thankful For: Cameras, capturing every moment we could, all the smiles, the games, the people. I'm so thankful that one day God put it into someones mind to invent a device that would keep memories forever.
Speaking of cameras, Last Friday before the Wassons got here, I ordered my camera!! I've been saving for a while now, refusing to spend even a penny of my paychecks when I had my job, and finally I had enough money to buy it. Now, there has been some delays so I won't have it as soon as I had thought, but just the thought of knowing it coming is exciting:)
Well, That's pretty much all of Last weekend, I'm sure I left things out but these are the main things I'm thankful for.
I'm Thankful For :
Day #5 An easy day of school, and season 2 of my favorite T.v. series "Downton Abbey"
Day #6 Books! I read a 400 page book in one day, and I can't wait to start reading another one:)
Day #7 Beautiful and warm days
Day #8 Monk, the T.V. series (we watched 5 or 6 episodes.)
Day #9 Car rides. Yes I know, who actually likes riding in a car for 4 hours...that would be me
Day #10 Jamming at 4 A.M. with awesome friends and Steak and Shake, because it wouldn't be a proper jam wit us if you didn't go there ;)
Day #11 My own bed. After a three day jam where you don't get any sleep you begin to appreciate your bed a little more.
Day #12 Best friends who plan out you life for you , so that you never have to leave each other. you know who you are ;)
Alrighty guys, I hope you have a spectacular day..week, and even month. Find something you're thankful for. God's in the details. ;)
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